Friday, 28 March 2008

Motor Sounds Records Mailout No. 12

Hi Everybody,
Andy from Motor Sounds Records here and I hope your all just peachy. At the minute I'm trying to convince my poor brain that
the hangover I forced upon it isn't as bad as all that. St. Patrick must've been a raving alcoholic and a Sadist, the swine, insisting
all us poor Irish people drink ourselves to within an inch of our lives every year, its the law in Ireland you know!. You should've
seen it around here yesterday, it was a bloody shambles, anyway on to business.

THE ROUTES*****************
First of all, our "Man in Japan" TM Chris Jacks, is back on the band wagon, literally, he's started rehearsing with a new Drummer and
Bass player so hopefully The Routes (or a version of them), will back in business sooner rather than later......

Off point, but I feel this email may be a short one, its taken me so long to get even this far, my hangover is determined to have it revenge.

.......I look forward to hearing them getting their freak on.

THE BONNEVILLES********************
Next up, The Bonnevilles album "Good Suits & Fightin' Boots" is, as you may know due out April 2008, and so
far the early feedback is all in the upper register of fantastic-ness. To hear some of the fantastic-ness you can go to The Bonnevilles
me me me space at and have listen to the preview on the player. Also, on a The Bonnevilles tip,
a review of Hardtale Lurgan Blues ep (SOLD OUT) was reviewed in issue 42 of Blues Matters magazine, a huge Blues music
publication in the UK and apparently they really liked the it a lot, I have no way of verifying this as I haven't seen the mag yet, but I'm
assured by one of our moles in England who kindly sent me this text message yesterday.

"Great revue of "HARDTALE" in Blues Matters magazine issue 42. Prepare for the rush on the album, eh?! Nice one cheers Andy!

If and when I see the mag I shall share the review with you. I also must take this opportunity to congratulate the texter (on my phone he's
known as TEE SHIRT CHAP because I owe him a tee shirt) on his thoughtful efforts and his punctuation in a text message, something
which I endevour to maintain myself and should only be encouraged. Blues Matters magazine are also doing a little piece on the band
in the next issue so I'll get me hands on that and share it with you next month.

TEXT MESSAGING*****************
As I've brought the subject up already I may as well get it off my chest. If you must send me a text message, which I welcome,
please send it to me in English not text gibberish. I do understand that the method allows teenagers to have multiple meaningless
conversations at the same time and assists in the ignoring and driving mad of parents, all worthwhile pursuits I'm sure, but the time
you save in typing it I lose in the reading of it. By the way my mobile/cell number is (UK 0044) (0) 7849 806080.

Check out the attached poster kids (there's a nudie woman on it), but heres the skinny. The Bonnevilles & D-66 are playing 3 gigs
in Ireland at the end of April, Derry, Belfast and Cork on the 25th, 26th & 27th respectively, you really must try and get to one of the
gigs, they'll be legendary I'm sure. Punk Blues extravaganza.

DEAD BY MONO RECORDS***************
Our good friends at Dead By Mono Records are going to be selling our supercool music from their site very soon.
Swing on by and buy some stuff at they're lovely people and smell good too.

TEE SHIRTS**********
I know, I know, I've said it before but this time on my eyes I've finally sorted the t-shirt supply debacle. We've decided
to set up our own screen print shop, cool eh! We'll have the first designs ready in a week or two, they will be the best
of quality shirts and every design will be guaranteed to make you feel like a saucy little upstart.

Watch this space---------> <--------------. We will also be hooring ourselves for outside work so if you need shirts done
do get in touch.

Stay in touch boys and girls and get your selves strapped in for the global recession its going to be a wild ride.
Hot Diiiiiammmn.

Andy Motor Sounds